26 January 2011

My Son's Five Love Languages

I have a preschooler son who demonstrates his love for me through the following actions:

1. Brings me flowers. He would pick a flower from our neighbor's plant to give it to me. Our next-door friend could only smile at my son's gesture.

2. Sleeps beside me. We are a tight family. We co-sleep. When our infant was born, father and son were supposed to sleep at the cot beside our bed, and infant daughter and I were to sleep on the bed. But my son would wake up in the middle of the night, then climb on the bed to sleep beside me.

3. Talks to my photo whenever I am not around. I am not kidding! My sitter would tell me that whenever I am not around at the end of my son's nap, he would cry for me and get my picture to talk as if I were present.

4. Kisses and hugs me at any time. He does these all the time.

5.Gives me presents.  These presents are my things which he would wrap in something and then would enthusiastically exclaim, "I have a present for you!"  oh well. It's the thought that counts.

How about you? How do your loved ones express their affections?


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